Backyard Koi pond with, stacked slate urns and spillway bowl fountains.

Koi fish eating with an interested dog

A beautiful backyard pond with a spillway bowl and lots of plants

Backyard Koi pond with, stacked slate urns and spillway bowl fountains.
(850) 565-9164 thegardenaquatic@gmail.com

Pondless Waterfalls
A re-circulating waterfall and stream without the presence of a pond
A Pondless Waterfall is the most favored water feature for small spaces.
If space is lacking in your yard or you have safety concerns with a pond, go with a Pondless® Waterfall! The name basically explains it all. It's a recirculating waterfall and stream, without the pond. Making it a great alternative for someone wanting to add the sight and sound of running water to their landscape, but isn't quite sure if a pond is right for their family.
Small Yard? Go Pondless!
Don't worry, the Pondless Waterfall style of water feature is popular with individuals who have space constraints, small children or municipality restrictions. Pondless® Waterfalls can be tucked into any corner of the landscape and are an ideal option for adding curb appeal near the front door.
Add a Stream
Streams add dimension and intrigue to your landscape. From a lazy, babbling brook to a swift, energetic current, streams are created to suit the mood you desire. Each stream is unique and natural-looking, as though Mother Nature herself carved them into the landscape.

Benefits of a Pondless Waterfall
Enjoy the sight and sound of running water without the presence of a pond.
A Pondless Waterfall can be any size desired, allowing it to be built anywhere in front of your home or backyard!
Without the addition of a pond or water garden, upkeep is significantly reduced.
The waterfall flows into a reservoir underground, leaving no open water for pets or small children to get into.
Did you know the air around a waterfall has a higher level of negative ions that can increase your well-being? It's true! Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electrical charge and are created in nature by a variety of forces; one of which is moving water. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions produce biochemical reactions that increase energy, relieve stress, and alleviate depression. The water gardening lifestyle.
Learn more about the benefits of negative ions at:

How it Works
Water held within the reservoir or void space below a decorative layer of gravel flows from a submersible water pump contained within a protective waterfall vault; the waterfall vault protects the pump from being clogged and reduces pump maintenance.
The water is pumped to a waterfall spillway that creates the start of a beautiful waterfall.
The water then flows over the rock that creates the waterfall and the process is restarted.